Saturday, November 29, 2014

It's Raining on the Mekong

This is my 4 th day on the Island (3rd night). The river is almost etherial after the rain. There is no real difference, or should I say there is no difference really. The river flows unempeded, ever the same swirls appearing in the same place. It is timeless. The rain blankets everything in a beautiful warm coat. When it finishes the air is clean and fresh for a while. The pace of life here is so slow. Nothing happens fast, any task taking at least twice as long as anywhere else. This is not frustrating however as itis easy to fall into that "oh well  Bo Pan Yang". It is like being constantly stoned without the buisness of smoking. Maybe that's why I feel so at home here.

My third night was very entertaining I had Sunday roast at the King Kong Bar and Resteraunt. It was lovely, roast Pork and Chicken with roast potatoes and carrots with greesn and gravy. I wolfed it down accompanied with Beer Lao and pepsi. A few people turned up so it was a convivial night. A good celebration.

I have resolved my ongoing travel worries. The Cambodian border won't let my bike through so I'm going to leave it here for when I come back. It will be safe here, sparingly used to keep  it alive but safe and under cover. I will fly on wednesday to Siem Reap in Cambodia. Meet up with Jacqui Elizabeth  who arrives from Australia on the same day. Then we have to work out how to do all the things we want to do from there. I am hoping I can either hire or buy a bigger dirt bike for the trip onward. We'll see. Onwards campers.

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