Monday, November 17, 2014

Hoian Motorcycle Adventures.

I have been in Hoian for 4 days now. I have had a great time so far. Yesterday was my best so far. I went round to the office of Hoian Motorcycle Adventures and caught up with the owner Mark we had coffee in the cafe next door. Turns out we share connections with Armidale and the New England. Mark is a very nice guy and extremely helpful giving me very valuable tips about border crossings and such like. He gave me directions to his workshop and I made my way there without getting lost once! The caretaker fellow got a bit of a surprise but soon settled down after he received a phone call.

I completed a service in short time. Changing the oil, cleaning the airfilter and tensioning the chain and greasing it. I even removed the broken speedo cable. While I was there a couple of tours went through and one of them was 2 American people I had met in Ha Noi and Hue. Joe Cronin and his partner Meghan from Washington D.C. a  very friendly and nice couple. I also met this very big (tall) German guy who was one of HMA's guides. He was very friendly and helpful too. I have to say here that Hoian Motorcycle Adventures is an extremely well organised company that provides an excellent service that meeets the needs of its clients in an unfussed and relaxed way that ensures they have a very special experience. In other words  they are bloody good at what they do.

Service complete I motored back into town on my rejuvenated machine. I had some lunch (Cau Lau - the local dish) in the market and then bought a new speedo cable in a market stall. It cost me 50,000 dong, about $3:00. In Australia it would. Cost at least 15! I then had a little nap in my airconditioned room and then made it back to the workshop for a 4 o'clock rendezvous with Mark and the returning tours for a couple of beers and a chin wag. A really good time was had and it was good to catch up with Joe and Meghan. We organised to meet that night and to share a meal together.

Talking with Mark about where I am going and what I am planning to do has helped me to realise what I have taken on. The prospect is daunting to say the least. It is bloody huge! Apparently the place I'm heading to in nortwestern Cambodia is part of disputed territory with Vietnam. It is in the area of the old trail and populated by ethnic minorities that were linked to the Americans and the French before. Recently there have been disturbances between them and the Viet Military. It all makes me a little nervous and determined to be careful. The Cardomoms are a bit hairy too apparently so care and attention needs to be paid here too. I will persevere and see what happens. At least in the Cardomoms I will have Jacquie with me, hopefully there will be safety in numbers!

Last night I dined with Joe and Meghan at the "Mango Mango rooms" across the bridge and on the island. Six years before Meri and I ate at the "Mango Rooms". At that time I declared that it was the best meal of my life! That claim has now been topped by the sister resteraunt across the river. The meal was exquisite, perfect a complete and total taste sensation. It was 1000% better than "Morning Glory"and I thought that pretty special. The Mango Mango rooms were soooo good, better than good a gastronomic marvel that rivals the best in the world. Eat your heart out baby I have reached nirvana. To say I had great Night does not do it justice.

So tomorrow I leave here and head off for Laos and the next part of the journey. As I said I'm a little nervous and plan to take things real slow and careful. I will avoid that part of the border lands that are hairy and just keep on the well worn track. I hope luck is with me. See youse later campers.

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